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Malawi, Africa Missions Trip!

Dear Friends and Family,

From July 26th through August 10th two others and myself will be taking a short-term missions trip to Malawi, Africa. The organizations we are associated with are Campus Crusade for Christ and The Macedonian Jesus Film Project, which is one of the largest evangelistic outreach programs held in southern and eastern African regions. The Macedonian Jesus Film Project emphasizes on an area known as the 10/40 window, which makes up 2/3 of the world's population, with 82% of the poorest people and 97% of the least evangelized peoples. This years blitz project we will be working for is known as African Sunrise 2002. The project's goal is to reach 50 million people in 50 days in 50 major cities with the gospel. We will be showing the JESUS film and distributing JESUS videos and audiocassettes in each culture's native language.

Because of the details of the 10/40 window it has become so clear to each of us how much these people are in need of evangelistic outreach. We chose to focus our mission on Malawi because of the tragic AIDS epidemic of the region. Some have estimated that over 82% of their population may be infected with AIDS or HIV. We will have the opportunity to embrace these people and their culture and share with them some of ours.

Will you join us in praying that our ministry will be effective and pleasing to the Lord? We were wondering if you could please pray for us while we prepare for our trip and everyday while we are on the trip. Here are things that you can pray for us about:

    • Safety and good health
    • Team unity and love for one another
    • Flexibility and humility as we serve
    • Accomplishments of what the Lord wants done in and through us

We are expecting God to do the extraordinary that He alone can do through the efforts of African Sunrise! In order for us to participate in this ministry, we will need $3,500 each to cover the cost of the trip. If you feel God would have you help us on this missions trip, you can send a check or money order payable to: Brittnia Brandl. Please send it to:

Brittnia Brandl, P.O. Box 393 Clinton, WI 53525.

Thank you for your prayers and consideration of this opportunity!

God Bless,

Brittnia Brandl


Brittnia Brandl
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Touching Lives - One E-mail at a Time!
Author Michael T. Powers - HeartTouchers @
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