Check out our Creation News Section! Weekly articles, daily Q & A, and a Creation Comic!
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by Joe Walker
For my friend, Claire, computers are a wonderful mystery.
She loves the informational possibilities of the Internet. She loves being able to communicate with her friends all around the world via e-mail. She loves playing Solitaire.
But she has no idea how it all works. And when it doesn't work ... well, that's even more of a mystery. Albeit not especially wonderful.
So when her hard drive crashed (rest in peace, you defragmented hunk of . . . well, whatever you are) she decided it was time to get a new computer. She did her research and she's pretty sure she got a good one. It came with all sorts of bells and whistles, but it didn't come with a good anti-virus program. And Claire has learned through bitter experience that there are few things on a computer more important than a good anti-virus program.
The frustrating thing is, she had one on her old computer. A really good one, for which she had paid handsomely. And since she had more than eight months left on the contract for this wonderful anti-virus program, she wanted to know if there was a way to get it installed on her new computer without having to purchase new software or without having to take it in to the VooDoo Computer Shop - or the nearest teenager, whichever came first.
She made a few phone calls. She got bounced from service representative to technician back to service representative again. Eventually she learned from a technician in India - hey, I TOLD you that she got bounced around a lot - that they could download the program to her new computer through the Internet, but she would have to allow them to take control of her keyboard for a few minutes. She didn't really understand how they could do that, but she figured if it meant she could get her anti-virus program installed it was worth a try.
A box suddenly appeared on her screen, asking her permission for the technician to take over her computer.
"At first it was a little frightening," Claire said. "It was like they were inside my computer talking to me. I couldn't help but wonder what else they could see in there."
Still, she went ahead and clicked the "yes" box and allowed the woman in India to have her way with her computer.
"It was amazing to watch that little arrow moving around my screen as I sat there with my hands in my lap," Claire said. "Even though she was thousands of miles away the technician was scanning things and accessing whatever she needed as she moved deftly through the process. I had no idea what she was doing, but clearly she did. So I just turned my computer over to her and let her do what she needed to do."
In just a few minutes the job was done, and control of the computer was returned to Claire, good as new.
In fact, BETTER than new.
As she sat at her keyboard enjoying her new, safe computer, Claire couldn't help but see a profound lesson for herself in her own, non-cybernetic life.
"There is no way I could have done all of that myself," she said. "Not in a million years. All that clicking, controlling all of those menus, going places that I didn't even know existed on my computer - there's no way I could have done that, not even with a book of instructions. The best and safest thing for me to do was to back off and let an expert run the show.
"And it seems to me that it's the same way with God," she continued. "While we do a pretty good job with our lives most of the time, there are moments when we're in way over our heads. At such times it's probably a good idea to turn the controls over to Him, and then to back off and let the Expert run the show. After all, it's His show, and He knows what He's doing."
Even though sometimes it's all a wonderful mystery to us.
Joseph Walker
Write Joseph and let him know your thoughts on his story!
Joseph Walker has been writing professionally since 1980, when he left college to join the staff of a daily metropolitan newspaper. For 10 years -- including six as the paper's TV columnist and critic -- he was part of the mainstream media, and was painfully aware of the overwhelming negativity of contemporary journalism. Joe says, "Nobody was looking for real solutions to the problems society was facing; they were just looking for someone or something to blame the problems on." So in 1990 Joe began writing ValueSpeak, a weekly syndicated column that attempts to look at contemporary issues from the perspective of traditional values. Joe and his wife, Anita, are parents of five children, and one grandchild.
You'll love his new book, "How Can you Mend a Broken Spleen!" Ordering is simple and fast at the following Amazon address:
Creation Q & A
Q: Shouldn't one always start reading at the beginning of a book?
A: When we buy a book or watch a video, we always start at the beginning. If not, we won't know what the book or movie is all about. If we don't understand the plot, the rest won't make sense.
This is obvious. But there's one book that most Christians don't start at the beginning--they start in the middle or towards the end. It's the Bible!
So many Christians think that the Old Testament is not important today, and that the Book of Genesis could just be myth or allegory. It's about time Christians started to wake up and realize that all of the New Testament is built on the Old Testament, and all of the Old and New Testaments are built on the first eleven chapters of Genesis.
One of the major reasons many Christians don't know how to defend their Christian doctrine is because they don't understand or believe Genesis--the beginning.
Christians need to start being consistent, and read God's Word, beginning with Genesis. If not, they'll never really understand many of the wonderful truths in the rest of God's Word.

Creation News
Click on the Bible above or visit the web site listed below!
This new addition to our web site will give you an article on the leading news in the Creation/Evolution controversy each day.
This section also includes a rotating Question and Answer feature and a weekly Creation Comic strip from the people at
Be sure to come back and visit each day for an informative article that will help you keep up to date on the latest news in this controversial area!
Thought For The Day
"Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing."
Verse for the Day
"Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps." --1 Peter 2:21
Kid's Thought For The Day
"You work so hard pedaling up the hill that you hate to brake on the way down."
Parent's Thought For The Day
"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." -- Frederick Douglas
Coach's Thought For The Day
"The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the others willing to let them." -- Robert Frost Writer's Thought For The Day
"The more I know about many different subjects, the more connections I can make within my work so that the text acquires a richness from the interweaving of many different ideas and sources." --Sharyn McCrumb
Deep Thought For The Day
"Can you believe how many award shows they have now? They have awards for commercials. The Cleo Awards. A whole show full of commercials. I taped it and then I fast forwarded through the whole thing."

Inspired Audio -- Inspirational Audio Message of the Week!
Inspired Audio is a brand new offshoot of Every week we will offer a different audio message that you can listen to right on your comput as you are surfing the net or just getting things done around the house. Be sure to come back and visit each week!
This Week: "Desperate Households" by Jerry Dean
From the E-mail Box
Your site is one of my favorites on the whole web, and I appreciate all your dedication and hard work. May the Lord continue to bless your ministry. With my love, Betty
Thank you for having an e-zine with great stories. They teach so much. With appreciation and may God's blessing be upon you and yours, Dorothy
I really enjoy your inspirational audios. The message will bless many, it is very encouraging. May you be blessed is my prayer for you. Agnes

Over 120,000 people have listened to popular Chicken Soup Author Michael T. Powers' free inspirational message entitled: "Breathing Life into Others". If you aren't one of them just visit: and click on the link to listen to the free streaming audio message.

Video Imagery --Michael's Video Production Business
Dear Michael,
"I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for the beautiful video you made for me! It was so special to see both of my parents in tears as they watched their children grow up in pictures before their eyes! I loved the way you made Estania's part set aside from the rest--that was the part that really got them! The music was beautiful. My mom kept blubbering, "What song is that?" I don't know how you did such a beautiful job with the video in such a short time. I really appreciate your doing it so quickly. You have a wonderful gift, and I thank God that you are using it to create such sentimental memories. I hope that I can find my niche like that in an area that I love. Your video gave us one of our most lasting Christmas memories! I hope yours was filled with moments to be treasured forever!"
Love, Trisha Silverhill, AL
Let me make you a video from your photos! Check out my video production business by visiting:
Do you feel as if life has no meaning for you?
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