Check out our Creation News Section! Weekly articles, daily Q & A, and a Creation Comic!
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Besure to check out our inspirational list just for teenagers!

A Great Gift For Mother's and Father's Day!
Michael's updated book Heart Touchers "Life-Changing Stories of Faith, Love, and Laughter," is finally here! ($13.95) Visit the link below to preview the book! Personalized autographed copies are available at no extra charge and we pay the shipping for you! An E-book version is also available for just $3.25!
Be sure to let us know who you would like it autographed for and then allow about two weeks for us to sign it and send it on its way to you.Credit card, PayPal, Checks, and Money orders accepted! The book is also available through,,, and
Before we get to today's story I wanted to let all of you teens and college students know that we will be having a special showing of the new Ben Stein movie called "Expelled" for the youth of Rock County. Youth Pastor Ben Breit is organizing this event and asked if we wanted to jump on board. We will be renting out an entire theater at Movies 10 here in Janesville on Wednesday night April 23. The movie starts at 7 pm and will be done at 8:30 pm. Cost is only $5.
If you are not familiar with this controversial movie that hits theaters nation wide this Friday, check it out online at:
This is a great opportunity to invite your friends! Come early for a good seat!
From my family to yours,
Author Michael T. Powers
The Greening of the Year
by Ken Pierpont
The One who with the Father and the Spirit spoke the worlds into existence has promised that as long as the earth remains the cycle of the seasons will continue. We are again on the brink of warm, sunny days and evenings among the flowers in the yard. We're in the greening of the year. It's like the whole world is blushing with young love.
There are things around us that are dark and disturbing and I would give you an account of them if I thought you needed it but the ubiquitous media stream evidence of human depravity into our homes, and cars, and businesses, and offices non-stop. We don't need any more detail. Unrelenting evidence of sin's curse surrounds us. Stories of greed, lust, murder, theft, perversion, betrayal, pride, violence, tragedy, sports, and weather are tucked between breezy adds to sell everything from insect repellant to insurance from laundry soap to ladders from luxury cruises to cemetery property. Young chirpy model-types in short skirts and perfect teeth sit between talking heads in suits and chat about the mayhem that plagues our earth as if they were swatting flies away or brushing ants off the table at a picnic. But once-in-a-while, when the evil hit close to home, or when the tragedy touches a friend, or when a series of painful things hit us at once we are tempted to be overcome by the evil around us.
How can we keep from being overcome by evil? It would be easy to allow ourselves to be overcome by all the evil around us. Knowledge of evil will not overcome evil. Brute force will not overcome evil. Law will curtail evil but the law cannot overcome evil. Legislation will not overcome evil. First-century Christians in Rome must have had a sense of evil pressing in on them. Paul reminded them of the teaching of Jesus and said, "Don't be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (see Romans 12:21)
We must be those who overcome evil with good. We cannot allow our spirits to be dragged into the swamp of despair. I am among those who will continually strain to hear the sounds of spring on an April morning. I will continually trust that He who conceived such wonder and such beauty and such life and spoke it instantly into being can push back evil like spring overcomes winter every year. I long for that day. Until then I will conspire with others who would overcome evil with good. I will speak and tell and write good words. Good words are powerful words. I will conspire with others to do good deeds. Good deeds are powerful deeds. They are powerful enough to overcome evil.
When in the evening in the greening of the year I sit in our yard and breathe in the fragrance of spring my heart is filled with hope again that one day evil can be overcome by good.
Ken Pierpont
Write Ken and let him know your thoughts on his story!
About Ken:
I have been married to Lois, my college sweetheart since 1979. We have eight children, four sons and four daughters, a daughter-in-law, and a grandson.
I am a third-generation pastor. Our oldest son, Kyle is a youth pastor. Our next son, Charles is a youth pastor , too. My Dad and Grandfather were pastors. My two brothers are both pastors. My sister is married to a pastor. Do you notice a pattern here?
I love to speak, sing, and write to inspire others. I mentor people and organize things and do what needs to me done to support my story-telling habit. I am not above telling stories for food. On November 11th, 2007 I accepted a call to be the Senior Pastor at Evangel Baptist Church in Taylor, Michigan. They seem like really nice people, so I'm sure they are going to keep us in groceries for a while.
Ken sends the Stonebridge Newsletter, a free weekly electronic newsletter, to over 5,000 subscribers every Monday morning. You can visit his site at:
Creation Q & A
Question: Will humans destroy the earth?
It's certainly true that scientists have developed all sorts of deadly weapons that could wreak havoc on this earth. However, there's something we should always keep in mind. No matter what man tries to do--God is in total control.
The Bible tells us that the earth will be destroyed one day. In 2 Peter 3:10-13, we read that there's a fiery judgment to come when the elements will melt with fervent heat and there will be a great noise. But this isn't a description of man destroying himself with nuclear weapons--this is a description of the final judgment by God on this planet.
Just as God judged the wickedness of man in the days of Noah with a global judgment of water and at the Tower of Babel with confusion, so too He'll judge againbut next time by fire!--
Because so many people have rejected the truth of God's Word and the fact of Creation, they are more fearful of what man can do and about gloomy predictions of the future. Instead, they should be fearing the coming judgment of our Creator and Redeemer--the risen Lord Jesus Christ.
For more information, see Theistic Evolution and the Future of Humans at: Source:

Creation News
Click on the Bible above or visit the web site listed below!
This new addition to our web site will give you an article on the leading news in the Creation/Evolution controversy each day.
This section also includes a rotating Question and Answer feature and a weekly Creation Comic strip from the people at
Be sure to come back and visit each day for an informative article that will help you keep up to date on the latest news in this controversial area!
Thought For The Day
"No worldly success can compensate for failure in the home."
Verse for the Day
"Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right...And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord." --Ephesians 6:1,4
Toddler's Thought For The Day
"If it is not trash, it must be thrown away. If it is in the trash, it must be removed, inspected, and thrown on the floor."
Parent's Thought For The Day
"When mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."
Coach's Thought For The Day
"It takes less time to do a thing right then it takes to explain
why you did it wrong." Creation/Evolution Thought For The Day
"I fully agree with your comments on the lack of direct illustration of evolutionary transitions in my book. If I knew of any, fossil or living, I would certainly have included them. You suggest that an artist should be used to visualize such transformations, but where would he get the information from? I could not, honestly, provide it, and if I were to leave it to artistic license, would that not mislead the reader?" --Dr. Colin Patterson, senior paleontologist at the British Museum of Natural History, in letter to Luther Sunderland, April 10, 1979. Cited in: Sunderland, Luther D., Darwin's Enigma: Fossils and Other Problems (El Cajon, CA: Master Books, 1988), p. 89.
Writer's Thought For the Day
"Success comes to a writer, as a rule, so gradually that it is always something of a shock to him to look back and realize the heights to which he has climbed." --P.G. Wodehouse Deep Thought For The Day
"First lesson in Chemistry: Never lick the spoon!"

Inspired Audio -- Inspirational Audio Message of the Week!
Inspired Audio is a brand new offshoot of Every week we will offer a different audio message that you can listen to right on your computer as you are surfing the net or just getting things done around the house. Be sure to come back and visit each week!
This Week: "Living Like a King" by Jerry Dean

Over 130,000 people have listened to popular Chicken Soup Author Michael T. Powers' free inspirational message entitled: "Breathing Life into Others". If you aren't one of them just visit: and click on the link to listen to the free streaming audio message.

Video Imagery --Michael's Video Production Business
Dear Michael,
"I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for the beautiful video you made for me! It was so special to see both of my parents in tears as they watched their children grow up in pictures before their eyes! I loved the way you made Estania's part set aside from the rest--that was the part that really got them! The music was beautiful. My mom kept blubbering, "What song is that?" I don't know how you did such a beautiful job with the video in such a short time. I really appreciate your doing it so quickly. You have a wonderful gift, and I thank God that you are using it to create such sentimental memories. I hope that I can find my niche like that in an area that I love. Your video gave us one of our most lasting Christmas memories! I hope yours was filled with moments to be treasured forever!"
Love, Trisha Silverhill, AL
Let me make you a video from your photos! Check out my video production business by visiting:
Do you feel as if life has no meaning for you?
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Transfer your photographs or old home videos over to DVD or MP4 files! Give the gift that will touch your family's heart and soul.
You can join the 15,000 followers on his Facebook Nature Photography by clicking on the link above!